Add extra information to your requirements and display it in a smart way.
GamiPress Requirements Descriptions gives you the ability to add an extra piece of information to any of your requirements (steps, points awards, points deducts and rank requirements).
For example, for a rank requirement that requires complete a course, you can add some extra help like recommended readings before start the course.
Requirements with this information will display an info icon where users can place their m ...
Add extra information to your requirements and display it in a smart way.
GamiPress Requirements Descriptions gives you the ability to add an extra piece of information to any of your requirements (steps, points awards, points deducts and rank requirements).
For example, for a rank requirement that requires complete a course, you can add some extra help like recommended readings before start the course.
Requirements with this information will display an info icon where users can place their mouse to meet the information in a smart way.
Requirements Descriptions extends and expands GamiPress adding new features.
Changelog Details For Nulled GamiPress – Requirements Descriptions - Version 1.0.0:
Not Available