Toolset – Types

- V3.5.2

Toolset Types defines custom content in WordPress. Easily create custom post types, fields and taxonomy and connect everything together. Types plugin sets up custom post types, custom taxonomies and custom fields. You can add fields to any content type and to users. With Types, you can also connect between different content types and work with relational databases. Create custom posts, fields and taxonomy When you need more than just pages and posts, Types is the answer. Types lets you cre ...

Toolset Types defines custom content in WordPress. Easily create custom post types, fields and taxonomy and connect everything together.

Types plugin sets up custom post types, custom taxonomies and custom fields. You can add fields to any content type and to users.

With Types, you can also connect between different content types and work with relational databases.

Create custom posts, fields and taxonomy

When you need more than just pages and posts, Types is the answer. Types lets you create your own content types, rich with custom fields and organized by your categories.

Connect between different post types

Types lets you define parent/child relationships between different post types.

Types post relationship begins by connecting children to parents and continues where you edit child data directly on parent pages.

Display custom post types and fields without writing PHP, with Views

Views plugin lets you design templates for custom content without writing any PHP.

Complete API for PHP integration

Types comes with a complete and simple API, which lets you display fields with their native data types. A single line of PHP displays even the most complex fields.

Changelog Details For Nulled Toolset – Types - Version 3.5.2:

The developer has not provided the changelog information for this version.

DEMO - Toolset – Types - 3.5.2

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DOWNLOAD - Toolset – Types - 3.5.2

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