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Changelog: Nulled Elegant Themes – Divi Version 3.4

Changelog For: Divi Version: 3.4 , Link: "" . This changelog belongs to the product " Divi ", Link: "".

A WordPress theme/plugin changelog usually include the following kinds of changes to the product:

  • Bug fixes
  • Improvements / Enhancement to the code
  • Code or file additions
  • Code or file deletion
  • Compatibility updates with WordPress/Themes/Plugins or other softwares
  • New feaures
  • Other changes
Currently viewed changelog details

Changelog Details

– Added custom field integration for the email optin module.
– Added the ability to add links to email optin checkbox fields and contact form checkbox fields.
– Added an option to disable Google Fonts in the Divi Theme Options.
– Removed IP Address logging in the Divi Leads split testing system.
– Fixed a ReactJS warning for video uploads.
– Fixed an issue where the Help Button would disappear when searching for options in the Visual Builder Settings Modal.
– Fixed Shop module compatibility issue with WPML.
– Replaced ip address with cookie-based tracking for split test to comply to GDPR.
– Fixed issue where inner row styles were unable to be copied in some cases.
– Fixed Feedburner email optin.
– Added ability to use keyboard shortcuts with modifiers when the search field of the module settings window is focused.
– Fixed Javascript error that occurred when saving module settings if app modal was still opened while opening the module settings.
– Fixed the issue where column padding settings were not reset/copied/pasted in case of working with entire design tab for Sections and Rows.
– Added a new (Cmd/Ctrl + R) keyboard shortcut for reset styles.
– Fixed issue with value ‘linking’ for custom padding on columns.
– Fixed double quotes error on Contact Form Module checkbox and radio options.
– Fixed an issue where a person module had extra spacing on the Visual Builder and not on the front-end.
– Fixed button module custom margin not working in some cases.
– Customer friendly one liner explaining what was Fixed/Added etc for use in the changelog. Capitilized first word and ending in a period.
– Fixed issue with adding Email Optin custom fields while the user is in wireframe mode.
– Fixed undefined error on PHP versions 7.1 and above.
– Fixed Gallery Module global selective sync.
– Fixed the rendering of the bottom curve SVG section divider so it will display smooth as intended.
– Fixed Inline Editor from showing up when right clicking in TinyMCE.
– Fixed uiwebview class being added when it should not have been on non-mobile devices.
– Fixed an issue where a WooCommerce shortcode could lead to issues with WooCommerce product gallery not changing the column settings.
* core/admin/fonts/modules.eot
* core/admin/fonts/modules.svg
* core/admin/fonts/modules.ttf
* core/admin/fonts/modules.woff
* core/admin/js/common.js
* core/admin/js/react-dom.production.min.js
* core/admin/js/react.production.min.js
* core/components/HTTPInterface.php
* core/components/api/OAuthHelper.php
* core/components/api/Service.php
* core/components/api/email/ActiveCampaign.php
* core/components/api/email/Aweber.php
* core/components/api/email/CampaignMonitor.php
* core/components/api/email/ConstantContact.php
* core/components/api/email/ConvertKit.php
* core/components/api/email/Emma.php
* core/components/api/email/Feedblitz.php
* core/components/api/email/Fields.php
* core/components/api/email/GetResponse.php
* core/components/api/email/HubSpot.php
* core/components/api/email/Infusionsoft.php
* core/components/api/email/MadMimi.php
* core/components/api/email/MailChimp.php
* core/components/api/email/MailPoet.php
* core/components/api/email/MailerLite.php
* core/components/api/email/Mailster.php
* core/components/api/email/Ontraport.php
* core/components/api/email/Provider.php
* core/components/api/email/Providers.php
* core/components/api/email/SalesForce.php
* core/components/api/email/SendinBlue.php
* core/components/api/email/_MailPoet2.php
* core/components/api/email/_MailPoet3.php
* core/components/api/email/iContact.php
* core/components/api/email/init.php
* core/components/data/Utils.php
* core/components/lib/OAuth.php
* core/functions.php
* epanel/custom_functions.php
* functions.php
* includes/builder/ab-testing.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-element.php
* includes/builder/class-et-builder-settings.php
* includes/builder/class-et-global-settings.php
* includes/builder/core.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/scripts/react-dom.production.min.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/assets/scripts/react.production.min.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/helpers.php
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/main-structure-elements.php
* includes/builder/module/Button.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactForm.php
* includes/builder/module/ContactFormItem.php
* includes/builder/module/Signup.php
* includes/builder/module/SignupItem.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Divider.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/Migration.php
* includes/builder/module/settings/migration/EmailOptinContent.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/sitepress-multilingual-cms.php
* includes/builder/scripts/builder.js
* includes/builder/scripts/frontend-builder-scripts.js
* includes/builder/styles/frontend-builder-style.css
* js/custom.js
* options_divi.php

for version 3.4
Nulled Divi
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"Elegant Themes – Divi"